Have Questions? Contact Contain

Contain Head Office

Grande Prairie, Alberta

13535-97 St.
Grande Prairie, Alberta
T8X 1S8

Phone: 1-877-513-8885
Fax: 1-780-513-8817
Twitter Linkedin

For detailed quotes or inquiries about any of the products Contain provides use the form below to email us directly. A representative from Contain will be in touch with you soon.


Cold Lake, Alberta

Box 269
Cold Lake, Alberta
T9M 1P1

Phone: 1-866-639-6654
Fax: 1-780-639-3775

Regina, Saskatchewan

Phone: 1-780-639-6654
Fax: 1-780-639-3775

Contact Contain by Email

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Introducing the Contain 67” Wall

Zero ground disturbance – no posts required.
• Reduces foot print when having to install in space restricted areas.

For a detailed quotecontact Contain